1·I've also seen someone make an awesome and visually engaging game in assembly, impressive yet doesn't qualify assembly as the technology of choice to develop games.
2·It's unwise of you to consider his wild behaviour as no more than a kid's game. It may gradually develop into a bad habit.
3·In order to be on top of our game both personally and organizationally, we need to develop a growth mindset.
4·The goal of the contest is to develop the best game possible within four kibibytes (4096 bytes) of data.
5·"Every time we try and develop a game for female gamers, we fail," Mr Kobayashi says.
6·Develop and implement standard methodologies, processes, and tools - support the game, build and maintain facilities, provide equipment.
7·You'll develop a simple game that will read the bugs entered on the a view and blast them to bits.
8·Ever wanted to develop a game?
9·The University of Michigan and its partners received a grant to develop and evaluate a computer game called Bibliobouts to teach incoming undergraduate students information literacy skills.
10·The final version of the game, which took nearly three years to develop and test, was launched on June 20.